So I promise we've been busy, which is why I haven't posted in so long. But, nothing we've been doing is all that interesting. But, here is goes
1. Steve finished his second year of medical school.
2. He worked in the Betty Ford Center in California for a week
3. Since he's been home he's studied 12-16 hours a day for his board examinations. He takes his first one tomorrow! and the second on the 16th.
4. I started my second class at the Culinary School of Fort Worth, Pastry Pro 1
5. We decided and found an apartment to move into. We are in the middle of packing and preparing to move.
6. I have been building a baby inside of me
7. I surprised my mom by driving down to San Antonio for Mother's Day
8. I'm still working full time and getting prematurely excited for my last day, Oct 1st.
9. My family came and spent Memorial Day weekend in Fort Worth
10. Nothing else really of note